Source code for signed_pickle.dumper_signer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import dataclasses
import hmac
import importlib
import io
from contextlib import contextmanager
from os import PathLike
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Protocol, Type, Union

    from lz4 import frame as def_comp

    COMPRESSOR_KWARGS = {"compression_level": def_comp.COMPRESSIONLEVEL_MAX}
except ImportError:
    import zlib as def_comp  # type: ignore


DEFAULT_KEY = b"fe95e0f8-b3d2-478d-88b2-c74b6e7194a4"

FileType = Union[bytes, str, PathLike, io.IOBase]
HashType = Union[str, Callable, ModuleType]

[docs]class Compressor(Protocol):
[docs] def compress(self, data: bytes, *args, **kwargs) -> bytes: ...
[docs] def decompress(self, data: bytes, *args, **kwargs) -> bytes: ...
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class SignerOptions: dumper_class: Type[DumperSigner] key: bytes = DEFAULT_KEY hash_type: HashType = "blake2b" hash_size: int = 64 compressor: Compressor = def_comp compressor_kwargs: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: COMPRESSOR_KWARGS) magic_bytes = b"\xd5\xd5" header_format = { # section, length "magic_bytes": (2, "raw"), "hash_size": (2, "int"), "dumper_class": (16, "class"), "hash_type": (12, "str"), "compressor": (16, "class"), } @classmethod @property def header_size(cls) -> int: return sum(a[0] for a in cls.header_format.values())
[docs] def header(self) -> bytes: header = b"" for k, (length, t) in self.header_format.items(): if t == "raw": header += getattr(self, k) elif t == "int": header += int(getattr(self, k)).to_bytes(length, "little") elif t == "class": header += getattr(self, k).__name__.ljust(length).encode("utf8") elif t == "str": header += getattr(self, k).ljust(length).encode("utf8") return header
[docs] @classmethod def decode_header(cls, header: bytes, key=None, compressor_kwargs=None): if header[:2] != cls.magic_bytes or len(header) != cls.header_size: raise ValueError("Invalid header") _new: SignerOptions = cls.__new__(cls) for k, (length, t) in cls.header_format.items(): v: Any = header[:length] if t == "raw": setattr(_new, k, v) elif t == "int": setattr(_new, k, int.from_bytes(v, "little")) elif t == "class": v = v.decode("utf8").strip() if v in DumperSigner.subclasses(): setattr(_new, k, DumperSigner.subclasses()[v]) else: setattr(_new, k, importlib.import_module(v)) elif t == "str": setattr(_new, k, v.decode("utf8").strip()) header = header[length:] if key is None: _new.key = DEFAULT_KEY else: _new.key = key if compressor_kwargs is None: _new.compressor_kwargs = COMPRESSOR_KWARGS else: _new.compressor_kwargs = compressor_kwargs return _new
[docs]class DumperSigner:
[docs] @classmethod def subclasses(cls): main_ancestor = cls.mro()[-2] return {a.__name__: a for a in main_ancestor.__subclasses__() + [main_ancestor]}
def __init__( self, key: Optional[bytes] = None, hash_type="blake2b", hash_size: int = 64, compressor: Compressor = None, compressor_kwargs: dict = None, use_header=True, options: Optional[SignerOptions] = None, ): self.use_header = use_header if key is None: key = DEFAULT_KEY if compressor is None: compressor = def_comp if compressor_kwargs is None: compressor_kwargs = COMPRESSOR_KWARGS if options is None: options = SignerOptions( dumper_class=self.__class__, key=key, hash_type=hash_type, hash_size=hash_size, compressor=compressor, compressor_kwargs=compressor_kwargs, ) self.options = options
[docs] def dump( self, obj: bytes, file: FileType = None, ) -> Optional[bytes]: _file: FileType if file is None: _file = io.BytesIO() else: _file = file with _maybe_open(_file, "wb") as fh: digest =, obj, self.options.hash_type).digest() if self.use_header: fh.write(self.options.header()) fh.write(digest) fh.write(self.options.compressor.compress(obj, **self.options.compressor_kwargs)) if file is None: return _file.getvalue() # type: ignore return None
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, file: FileType, key=None, compressor_kwargs=None ) -> tuple[bytes, Type[DumperSigner]]: if isinstance(file, bytes): file = io.BytesIO(file) with _maybe_open(file, "rb") as fh: buf = cls_kwargs = {} if buf != SignerOptions.magic_bytes: # no header, assume defaults this_cls = cls cls_kwargs = {"key": key, "compressor_kwargs": compressor_kwargs} else: # header found, decode it buf += - len(buf)) # type: ignore options = SignerOptions.decode_header( buf, key=key, compressor_kwargs=compressor_kwargs ) buf = b"" this_cls = options.dumper_class cls_kwargs = {"options": options} _new = this_cls(**cls_kwargs) digest = buf + - len(buf)) data = data = _new._load(digest, data) return data, _new.options.dumper_class
def _load(self, digest, compressed_data): data = self.options.compressor.decompress(compressed_data) expected_digest =, data, self.options.hash_type).digest() if not hmac.compare_digest(digest, expected_digest): raise ValueError( "data digest does not match expected digest, " "did the file get corrupted or modified?" ) return data
[docs] def to_base64(self, obj: bytes) -> bytes: return base64.b64encode(self.dump(obj)) # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def from_base64(cls, b64: bytes) -> Any: return cls.load(base64.b64decode(b64))[0]
[docs] def to_base85(self, obj: bytes) -> bytes: return base64.b85encode(self.dump(obj)) # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def from_base85(cls, b85: bytes) -> Any: return cls.load(base64.b85decode(b85))[0]
@contextmanager def _maybe_open(file, *args, **kwargs): """ Open the file if it's just a path, otherwise just yield :param file: :return: """ if isinstance(file, io.IOBase): yield file else: with open(file, *args, **kwargs) as fh: yield fh